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annual value中文是什么意思

用"annual value"造句"annual value"怎么读"annual value" in a sentence


  • 年值


  • It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century ...
  • Annual value of goods and service in a country includes income from other countries
  • Its registered capital is 1 . 68 million yuan in1972 , and currrent fixed capital is 14 million yuan , and the gross annual value is 10 million yuan . the bank credit grade is a . our company h as good leader team
    公司注册资金19 72年168万元,现拥有固定资产1400万元, 1999年实现总产值1000万元,创利税125万元,银行信用等级为a级。
  • Established in 1978 and covering 8 , 000square meters of land , the special wireless equipment co . , ltd . of jiangyiu city is a specialized manufacturer of special wireless equipment , instruments and meters , automobiles and motorcycles control lines and flexible shafts . the annual value of output of the company exceeds 10 million rmb there are 20 perfessional personnel in the company , including 8 engineers and tech - nicians
  • After 20 years , i ongoing technology companies for new , advanced equipment to improve , the industry absorb professional and technical personnel to the quality of development to survive credibility , and the after - sale services to our customers and won numerous industry received , 209 , 000 existing workers more than 70 members , professional and technical personnel , heat treatment several experts , 3 million yuan of fixed assets , annual value of more than 800 million
  • Section four shows the study of the economic effect evaluation on the extend project of the liyujian power plant . a economic effect evaluation is a core material of evaluating investment projects , in which the indices being used is also very important as they represent the economic degree of the project . indices of invest return circle , invest return rate , net present value , net annual value , internal return rate , external return rate , sensitivity analysis are used in this project and the conclusion that the project brings both satisfactory economic benefit and significant social payback
  • Also to get some new conclusion of glacial lakes burst floods , in possibility study of glacial lake burst , and in qualitified study of the safety of the glacial lakes . the first character of this paper introduce the background of this paper , set the goal , content and methodlogy of the study work in this paper . the second chapter of this paper focuses on the meterological character , runoff composition character , why not correspondency of ratio of rainfall and runoff in same period to annual value for nianchu river , lasha river , niyang river and the middle reach of yalu - zangbu river
  • After nearly 10 years of business , i have developed into a division of fixed assets owned more than 2 , 000 million , with an annual value of more than 5 , 000 million of the stars of a certain size enterprises in yangzhou top industry leading , including production equipment more than 800 sets , mostly from japan , south korea imported advanced equipment , production building three blocks , a total construction area of 6 , 500 square metres , modern office buildings and other ancillary buildings one plant
  • Ningbo longhua hydraulic pressure piece co . , ltd . was established in 1988 , specializes in making hydraulic pressure oil jar , high intension screw , now covering floor 23 are , workshop 15000 sq . m . , has 300 employees , registered capital 2 million yuan and fixed assets 15 million yuan , sets of advanced numerical control equipments , according to national commodities inspection standard , the annual value amount to 30 million yuan , the products sell well all over the country
用"annual value"造句  
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